
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science,University of Michigan--密歇根大学电气工程与计算机科学系




  The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Department is among the leading departments of its kind in the nation, with a diverse program of over 100 courses per semester, 155 faculty members, 1680+ undergraduate, and 1000+ graduate students. Our Department offers Bachelor degree programs in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Data Science, and Electrical Engineering. We offer M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Computer Science and Engineering and in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

  The EECS Department is organized into two divisions, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Each division is led by its own division Chair, each of whom act as a co-chair of the Department. CSE degrees are offered with specialties in Hardware, Intelligent Systems, Software, Theory, and VLSI. ECE degrees are offered with specialties in Applied Electromagnetics & RF Circuits, Communications, Computer Vision, Control Systems, Integrated Circuits & VLSI, MEMS & Microsystems, Optics & Photonics, Power & Energy, Robotics, Signal & Image Processing, and Solid State & Nanotechnology.

  Our research activity, which is presently supported by over $63M annually in funding, is among the largest in any EECS department in the country. This is a clear indication of the strength of our programs, which range from basic research at the nano-levels to advanced developments at the system level, and of our excellent and diverse faculty. Please look at the centers and major projects on our labs and centers and research areas pages. We are particularly pleased to note that a large number of our faculty members have received highly coveted Young Investigator and CAREER awards, including the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Our senior faculty have been recognized with many of the major awards in their technical fields, have been named top innovators both by the popular and technical press, and have achieved the pinnacle of success in being named members of the National Academy of Engineering.